Creative + Fun

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
At last! I made all these a while back. I didn't manage to take photo for some of the works before I gift them out. Such a shame! but meanwhile, enjoy reading (well...I should say browsing. teehee)

My Chinese New Year cards that I made for the relatives. It's a flower pot just in case you're wondering.They just have to pull the flowers up to read the message. I got this idea from the internet. Everyone were impressed with this :)
 Another chinese new year card for relatives
 Sister requested for her valentine

Another card for her another valentine :)

 For her friend's mum

I bought a good number of the small note books from local bookstore and gave them a new look with some cardstock and embellishment.

I am off for more works. I've so much due dates on hand and it's a shame that I'm down with nose block and headache. Hopefully the dizziness won't stay for too long, else I don't know when can I complete all the works. Keep me in your prayers!!

Two more new works to show you guys.

A client (my dearly Harvery) asked me whether I can help him to create a card for a birthday girl. So this is what I created for him. A pinky bubblegum machine with a small container at the front. 

 "Happy Birthday"

 And this is obviously a booklet where I put down my ideas and sketching before create. :)

l o v e . t h e . c o l o r . c o m b o


Monday, February 21, 2011
Hi my dear readers, I have been missing in action for quite a while. I know... I know... I haven't been updating my blog for a while for some reason. Ha! I made some works in the past few months, and it's either I didn't or I forgot to take a photo of them before I gift them out. *crap* Lately, the pain of my left ear drum is killing me. Plus, sore throat, flu decided to give me a surprise too. 

No jokes! I couldn't sleep well in the past few days. So, I went to see a doc this morning and hopefully the medicine will do the cure. I promise...well... I try to update the blog today. (: